
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening - what does it mean?

What does Urban Forestry and Urban Greening mean in our daily lives?

The future of planning and maintaining urban green spaces

Urban Forestry and social integration


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Urban Forestry and social integration


Urban Forestry and social integration

A strong integration of local users and visitors is necessary in order to develop public green space into meeting places and places where people can find peace and quiet.

This can be achieved by an early integration of people in the planning process (e.g. visitor surveys, presentation of relevant information, 'round tables' with residents and responsible government departments).

Furthermore, people interested in local green space can be involved into certain parts of the work process (e.g. public planting activities, tree sponsorships, community gardens).

There are numerous successful examples of 'integrated urban green planning' all over the world, where planning concepts involving social integration and urban nature have proven themselves extremely valuable.

In Germany, examples are the 'Bochum Gemeinschaftsgarten', and the 'Internationale Gärten Göttingen'.
But there are numerous other examples that cannot all be listed on this web site.

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