
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening - what does it mean?

What does Urban Forestry and Urban Greening mean in our daily lives?

The future of planning and maintaining urban green spaces

Urban Forestry and social integration


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Urban Forestry and Urban Greening - what does it mean?


Urban Forestry and Urban Greening - what does it mean?

Here are two definitions that explain the term 'Urban Forestry':

1) "Urban forestry is the careful care and management of urban forests, i.e., tree populations in urban settings for the purpose of improving the urban environment. Urban forestry advocates the role of trees as a critical part of the urban infrastructure. Urban foresters plant and maintain trees, support appropriate tree and forest preservation, conduct research and promote the many benefits trees provide. Urban forestry is practiced by municipal and commercial arborists, municipal and utility foresters, environmental policymakers, city planners, consultants, educators, researchers and community activists." (

2) “Urban forestry is the management of trees for their contribution to the physiological, sociological, and economic well-being of urban society. Urban forestry deals with woodlands, groups of trees, and individual trees, where people live - it is multifaceted, for urban areas include a great variety of habitats (streets, parks, derelict corners, etc) where trees bestow a great variety of benefits and problems.” Denne, pers. comm. (adapted from Grey and Deneke, 1986,

Urban Greening complements Urban Forestry attending to all aspects of urban

horticulture and urban green space

Urban Forestry is a multidisciplinary field with professionals from various backgrounds, for example Arborists, Foresters, Consultants, Decision Makers for environmental and urban planning, Teachers, Scientists and Members of the community.

Scandinavian countries already recognised the connection between urban forestry and human wellbeing in the urban environment several years ago.

Finnland, Sweden and Denmark started multiple research projects where specific surveys were conducted questioning visitors of urban green space, decisionmakers in communes, politicians, and scientists.

In 2005, a new international Master programme was introduced by the Swedish Agricultural University (SLU). This programme is a cooperation of Universities from different Scandinavian countries and is, to this point in time, a unique programme in Europe.
It presents and discusses new, innovative concepts for experienced professionals involved in the field of urban forestry on an international basis in terms of management and planning of urban green space.

Urban Forestry advocates for trees being important elements of the urban infrastructure

Professionals in this field maintain trees, aim to protect individual trees, woodlands and forests, work as consultants in landscape planning and in research, and inform the community and other stakeholders about the advantages of trees in the urban environment.

Urban Forestry and Urban Greening do not present new concepts. But during the past years, with the background of increasing urbanisation and - going along with it - increasing problems for human health and wellbeing, it has evolved into a future vision for urban landscape planning.

Urban Forestry and Urban Greening contribute significantly to the urban societys' physical, social and economic wellbeing

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