
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening - what does it mean?

What does Urban Forestry and Urban Greening mean in our daily lives?

The future of planning and maintaining urban green spaces

Urban Forestry and social integration


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Education and training

My education and training

Academic Education

2005 - 2006 International Master degree in “Urban Forestry and Urban Greening”
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Alnarp
Master Thesis: A Landscape Laboratory in Germany
– reaching out for new landscape concepts

1993 - 1996 Bachelor of Science in “Urban Horticulture”, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Professional Training

1994 Certificate in Arboriculture, Ryde Institute of TAFE, Sydney, Australia

1985-1987 Certificate in Horticulture,Deinböck Nursery Langenargen, Germany

Further education and training in Germany

2009 FLL-certified Tree Hazard Assessor

2007 Seminars for executive Managers

2005 Tree Seminar: The tree in the city

Further education and training in Australia

Conflict Management

  • 'Verbal Judo' Workshop (Local Government Association Sydney)
  • 'Handling difficult people' Seminar (Local Government Association Sydney)

Natural Resource Management

  • 'Wood Decay Funghi' Workshop (Prof. Francis Schwarze, Germany)
  • 'Weed Awareness Workshop' (Greening Australia & Dept. of Primary Industries & Fisheries, Australia)
  • 'Tree Care and Management of Trees on Development Sites’ Seminar (Metheney N. & Clarke J., USA)
  • Tree Hazard Assessment Workshop Parramatta Park Sydney (National Arborist Association Australia)
  • ‘The Science of Tree Care’ Seminar (Dr. Alex Shigo, USA)
  • 'Termite' Workshop (Phil Hadlington, Termitenexperte, Sydney Australia)
  • 'Entomology' Workshop (The Entomology Society of NSW, Australia)

To be up to date with the latest developments in Urban Forestry, Arboriculture and Urban Greening I regularly participate in international conferences and symposia

(e.g. International Forum in Urban Forestry & Urban Greening (various countries), Arboriculture Days Augsburg, Germany).

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